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The Mystical Teachings of Jesus
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Events with Kim Michaels
Knowing Jesus
Was Jesus God?
What was Jesus like?
How can we know Jesus?
Jesus’ spiritual office
Why Jesus was killed
Jesus’ parents
Jesus’ life
Mission of Oneness
Mission Middle East
Our mission
What Jesus did for us
Jesus’ challenge to us
Did Jesus fail
Q & A Jesus’ Identity
Q & A Jesus’ Life
Mystical teachings
Introducing the mystical teachings
Jesus: Example; not exception
Jesus wants his harvest
Our personal potential
Our planetary potential
Our spiritual identity
Restoring Jesus’ teachings
The universality of Christ
Religion of oneness
Jesus and spiritual cycles
Uniting Christ and Buddha
How did Jesus teach his disciples?
All dictations by Jesus
Q & A Jesus’ Teachings
Links to all articles
Path of Christhood
What is Christ?
What is Christhood?
Christ discernment
True and false path
Starting the mystical path
Understanding the Path of Christhood
Walking the path of Christhood
Psychological aspects of the path of Christhood
Short articles on ego
Exposing Ego Illusions
Stages on the path of Christhood
The ascension process
The death consciousness
Q & A Christhood
Q & A Christ Discernment
Q & A Walking the Path
Message for Christians
Why people reject Christ
Examining Christian beliefs
General spiritual concepts
Why mainstream Christianity is false religion
Can the Catholic Church survive?
The Catholic Church does not represent Christ
Is Christianity Satanism in Disguise?
Q & A Jesus’ Mission
Q & A Jesus Today
Q & A Bible Interpretations
Q & A Early Christianity
Q & A Christianity Today
Q & A Catholic Church
Psychology of anti-christ
Exposing the consciousness of anti-christ
Spiritual origin of the Power Elite
What is a fallen being?
How fallen beings influence history
How to deal with fallen beings
The judgement of the forces of anti-christ
Q & A Evil
Q & A Dark Forces
Q & A False Teachers
Women in Christianity
The dynamic between masculine and feminine
Why it is essential to know the Divine Mother
All dictations by Mother Mary
Help Jesus
Embodying Jesus’ inner message
Help Jesus by speaking out
Accepting the love of the masters
Dynamics of planetary change
The future of science
Spiritual movements and Christhood
Ascended Master Resources Network
Ascended Master Resources
Ascended Master Light
Ascended Master Answers
Transcendence Toolbox
Explaining Evil
Age of Higher Awareness
Higher Awareness Psychology
My personal website
The birth of monotheism
Those who put down women cannot represent Christ
The persecution of women started with the fallen beings
The need for a higher vision of sexuality
Jesus and his feminine polarity
How the female polarity can stop war
Only Oneness between masculine and feminine can stop war
The quintessential serpentine lie
No need to blame women for the fall
The dynamic between masculine and feminine Main Page
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