Did Jesus fail?

From a superficial perspective, it might seem as if Jesus’ mission was a failure. In his own lifetime, he attracted few followers and he left a tattered band of disciples. Later, the church that claims to represent him has misinterpreted his teachings and message beyond recognition. However, from a deeper perspective, Jesus did accomplish what he came to do and his mission has had a much more profound impact on this planet than most people realize.

This section contains articles on the following topics:


Was Jesus’ life a failure?

  • There were times when Jesus was at the point of despair.
  • Jesus accomplished nothing outer in his lifetime.
  • Even though a large religion eventually appeared, it follows a completely false image of Jesus and his teachings.
  • From a spiritual perspective, there was a dark cloud of negative energy enveloping earth before Jesus took embodiment.
  • Jesus’ embodiment caused a crack in the shell of this darkness, and since then many spiritual people have helped transform it.
  • Because of Jesus’ mission, we have a far greater opportunity to grow spiritually today. 
  • We can carry forward Jesus’ work by also becoming open doors for the Light of Christ.

Read more about this.


Raising the whole

  • When you raise your consciousness, it makes a difference for the whole.
  • Your contribution may seem small, but if all spiritual people gave up, the impact would be huge. Thus, we each make an invaluable contribution to raising the whole.
  • Outer chaos is a sign that old structure are being broken down.
  • There is a huge potential for a major breakthrough on a world scale if we continue to do our work individually, following the mystical path of Christ.

Read more about this.


Sharing your Presence

  • Jesus set people’s lives on a new course.
  • The original Christian movement was not about outer results but about making a difference at inner, hidden levels.
  • More important than doing outer works is to share your light and your Presence with people.
  • By dismantling the structures of what outer actions to take, we become open doors for our spiritual selves and the Holy Spirit, and this is what will make the greatest difference.

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