Most spiritual and religious people have certain topics they take for granted and never examine. This section gives you the opportunity to take a look at certain ideas about faith, suffering and why the spirit or a true teacher will not conform to our expectations and desires.
This section contains articles on the following topics:
Faith, knowledge and prayer
- Jesus did not teach that faith is the substance of things hoped for. He taught that knowledge is the substance of things hoped for.
- He meant inner knowledge, gnosis, the true inner gnosis whereby the knower becomes one with the known.
- Jesus did not teach that you should pray to an external God.
- Jesus taught and demonstrated that you invoke God’s assistance from within yourself.
- Many Christians have completely misunderstood Jesus’ teaching on faith, and they have instead accepted the teachings of anti-christ.
- When you pray from a selfish desire, you create a counter-force that opposes the fulfillment of your desire.
Suffering is not necessary
- Many believe suffering is necessary.
- Suffering comes form attachments.
- We must follow Jesus’ example and give up all our attachments, our “ghosts.”
Understanding the Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit is the collective momentum of all who have walked the true Path of Oneness.
- Every time a Being ascends from earth, that Being adds its own momentum to the Holy Spirit.
- You must learn to discern between the Holy Spirit and the many false spirits that have been created.
Understanding why the Spirit will not conform to matter
- The purpose for the Holy Spirit is to challenge peoples’ ideas, mental images and beliefs.
- The Holy Spirit has only one purpose; that is to initiate and accelerate the process of self-transcendence.
- Some Christians are open to false spirits.
Ponder why the Spirit will not conform
- No matter what level of consciousness you are at, the role of the Living Christ, the role of the Holy Spirit, is to take you to the next step up.
- Be willing to think outside of the mental box created by your current level of consciousness.
- Jesus cannot help us if he conforms to our expectations and mental images.
- The satanic consciousness wants the Christ to conform to its expectations.