Jesus’ life

How did Jesus himself experience his life and mission? What did he do that is not recorded in the official scriptures? Only Jesus himself can help us understand this by sharing his experiences.

This section contains articles on the following topics:


Did Jesus die on the cross?

  • Jesus had studied in ancient mystery schools and learned techniques for withdrawing breath from the body.
  • Jesus intended to use this technique but on the cross he realized it was God’s plan for him to physically die on the cross.
  • Jesus had created a false image, a ghost, related to his mission. He had to give up this ghost in order to fulfill his mission, as we all do.
  • It is easy to use worldly images to create an image of what the Christ should be like.
  • Manifesting Christhood requires perpetual surrender as the temptation of the ego is with us as long as we are in embodiment.

Read more about this.


Jesus traveled to ancient Britain

  • Jesus traveled to Britain with his uncle Joseph of Aremathea.
  • He told Joseph to bring the Holy Grail there as a state of consciousness more than a physical cup.

Read more about this.


Jesus could have failed his mission

  • Christianity makes it seem like the success of Jesus’ mission was guaranteed because he was so special.
  • Jesus faced the same initiations we face, and he could have failed.
  • His success, as ours, depended on him being willing to give up the chost of his illusions.
  • Jesus was not a carpenter.

Read more about this.


Why did Jesus preach in the hills?

  • The Catholic Church has claimed many locations in Israel in order to establish their ownership of Jesus’ story. They want to own Christ.
  • Jesus preached in the hills because he was often not welcomed in the established institutions.
  • People back then rejected Jesus based on an analysis of his words compared to established doctrines. Many Christians reject the ascended Jesus today by doing the same thing.
  • This is the death consciousness and Jesus is not here to help such people but to help those who are willing to leave the death consciousness behind.

Read more about this.


Why Jesus cast out the moneychangers

  • The moneychangers symbolized the consciousness of wanting a visible outer symbol to worship.
  • People think that by worshipping the outer symbol or structure, they have bought their way into heaven.
  • The only key to salvation is the transformation of consciousness by following the Mystical Path of Jesus.

Read more about this.


No church can hold Jesus

  • Jesus preached the inner path of the transformation of consciousness.
  • Jesus did not want his message about the inner path to be associated with an external institution.
  • No church people can build can confine Christ. The more elaborate the structure, the more it demonstrates people’s alienation from the inner path.

Read more about this.


Jesus was not born with full Christhood

  • Jesus did not write down his teachings because he never preached the same message twice. He spoke the Living Word.
  • Jesus was not born with full Christhood.
  • Between the age of 12 and 30 he walked the mystical path in order to qualify for his mission in Israel.

Read more about this.


Many ways for Jesus to fulfill his mission

  • The path to Christhood is an inner path, meaning no outer standards can be defined.
  • Jesus had to define his own path to Christhood, and he could have done this in many ways.
  • Your divine plan is not a straitjacket and there were many different scenarios for how Jesus could have fulfilled his mission.

Read more about this.


Jesus never used force

  • Jesus gave people a frame of reference by sharing his light.
  • Jesus accomplished nothing from an outer perspective, but his light did start the changes seen in the Piscean age.
  • When you understand how light works, there is no need for physical force.

Read more about this.