Ascended Master Jesus, October 28, 2009, through Kim Michaels.
Take the temple in Jerusalem, my beloved, where I cast out the moneychangers. Do you believe it was only because they were selling animals or doing sacrifices? Do you believe it was only the moneychangers, or were the moneychangers a symbol of something deeper—this tendency to always want to have a visible outer symbol to worship, instead of being willing to take full responsibility for your own consciousness and your ability to contact the Living God directly within your heart.
Do you see the subtle, but o so essential difference that I am talking about here? Do you see, that when you create an outer symbol – such as a Church, a synagogue or a mosque – people can believe, that by going into that building and saying a pre-defined set of prayers – performing whatever rituals have been prescribed – well, then they have done their duty. They have done what they are supposed to do, and now God is supposed to reciprocate by doing something for them. Because they have, so to speak, bought a favor from God by going into this building and uttering meaningless words, that cannot possibly reach the Living God if they are not spoken from the heart—imbued with the love of the heart.
And if they are imbued with the love of the heart, what is the need for the outer words and rituals? You might as well tune in to your heart and send love to the living God or a manifestation of the living God, such as your neighbor. Do you see; it is a mechanical form of worship going into the outer building, performing the outer ritual—and you have supposedly done what you are supposed to do to come closer to your salvation, to the entry into the Kingdom of God.
Now contrast this with the true message that I preached 2,000 years ago and that I preach today. It is that of the inner path to Christhood. Do you see, that anyone who is willing to do what is necessary to pass a membership initiation – whether it is to become a Jew, a Muslim or a Christian – anyone who is willing to pay an entry fee, so to speak, can enter into that external Church. And they can therefore make themselves believe that by doing the outer rituals, they have qualified for the favor of God.
This is an excerpt from a longer teaching. You can read the full dictation HERE.
Copyright © 2009 Kim Michaels