The lie that you need an intermediary between you and Christ

Ascended Master Jesus, June 16, 2013 through Kim Michaels.

Those who have risen to the mindset of Christ will see that there is no need to create anything on earth that will endure forever and ever because earth is only a temporary schoolroom, and it is the lifestreams who lock in to the Mind of Christ that will endure forever and ever. But how will they endure forever and ever? Only by transcending themselves forever and ever, for the only endurance is self-transcendence. This is the reality of the Mind of Christ as opposed to the false image portrayed by the vast majority of Christian churches that you see on this earth.

They want to create an image of Christ and project that that image is reality, and that is why they have created the image that Christ is remote from the people and thus the people need an intermediary to access Christ. This is the very consciousness that you see in disguised forms in all abusive, totalitarian, centralized regimes. The people are powerless; they need an elite. If they follow the elite, the elite will give them the promised land—if the people give the elite the power and privileges that they crave beyond anything else. Those who are the living people who understand at least some aspect, who have tuned in to some aspect of the Flame of Christ, see no need for any permanence on earth. They know that permanence is in the ongoing transcendence of what we have called the River of Life or the Holy Spirit.


This is an excerpt from a longer teaching. You can read the full dictation HERE.



Copyright © 2013 Kim Michaels