Stop tiptoeing around the ego!

Ascended Master Jesus, July 5, 2005 through Kim Michaels.

So many spiritual students have tiptoed around the topic of the ego, even though we have spoken about it in several spiritual organizations. They have been afraid that if their ego was to be exposed, they would go through some kind of crisis, they would lose their sense of self-worth or in other ways experience an identity crisis.

Therefore, you need to simply switch your sense of identity just a little bit. You need to start asking yourself, “Knowing what I know about the spiritual path – and the goal of freedom in the Christ consciousness, the goal of experiencing that greater freedom of being above and beyond the ego – knowing what I know, is there really any part of my ego that I would not be willing to give up, if I could see it?” And I think when you meditate on this, you will see in your hearts that there is indeed nothing that you would not be willing to give up in order to come closer to the love of God, in order to be who you are and express who you are. When you come to that realization, you no longer need to fear the ego or fear having the ego exposed.

You no longer need to fear making a mistake, for whether you make a mistake or not, either way it can expose part of your ego and help you overcome it. The ego has no power over you whatsoever. It only has the power that you have not seen it, or seen it for the illusion that it is, and therefore you cannot separate yourself from it. And the moment you see it, and the moment you choose to separate yourself from it, it has no power over you and you can walk right through it. And when you begin to realize that, you see that the path of overcoming the ego is not a hard path. It is not a path of fear, it is not a path of embarrassment, it is not a path of feeling like you are a failure or you were not good enough because you had this or that aspect of the ego left.

You are far more than the ego. And I will remind you over and over again that you are more. You are so much more, and that is what we love. And when you realize how much more you are, it is no problem to let go of the ego.

Yet the essence of the ego is precisely that—that you either cannot see it or that you are not willing to let go of it. The ego is always trying to remain hidden. The ego is always trying to tell you that you cannot take that next step on the path, you cannot walk out the prison door. And then, when you realize that you can move forward on the path, the ego is trying to make you think that you don’t want to or that you are not allowed to.

The ego prevents you from taking the next step

The essence of the ego really is that the ego is what prevents you from taking the next step closer to God. Truly, the ego has many qualities, but the essence of the ego is, that it is that which prevents you from taking the next step on your path. And when you begin to realize that – and realize that the greater part of your being has an uncompromising commitment to taking that next step – then why would you fear the ego? Why would you fear to have it exposed? You would welcome having it exposed, because now you can say, “Ah, I see it. And now I can let it go.”

As I said to you at Easter, the key to overcoming and walking the path is that you must give away all that is unreal. You must surrender it, you must let it go. But you cannot let it go, you cannot give it away, until you own it, until you take ownership of it. So, we can say that the ego will first of all try to prevent you from taking ownership of that part of the ego, prevent you from seeing it or prevent you from admitting, “Yes, that part of the human ego is still residing in my container of self.” And then, if you do see it, it will try to prevent you from letting it go by making you think that you somehow need it.

And this is the key—to come to that realization that you are willing to let it all go because you love something more than staying in your comfort zone. And I will be here to help all of those who are willing to let go of the ego. I will give further teachings and tools on this, as the time is appropriate and as cycles unfold. But for now, I would say, “Saint Germain has declared clearly that he is no longer fooling around with anyone’s ego. If you want to be a student of Saint Germain and help him manifest the Aquarian Age, then get rid of your ego before you approach him.” Well, I am the one that will help you get rid of that ego, so that you can fulfill your divine plan to co-create the Golden Age with Saint Germain.


This is an excerpt from a longer teaching. You can read the full dictation HERE.

Copyright © 2005 Kim Michaels