A message from the ascended master Jesus through Kim Michaels:
You know the saying, “There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof is the way of death.” It is actually more correct to say, “There is a way that seems right unto a woman, but the end thereof is the way of the death of the soul.” What is the way that seems right unto a woman?
“Woman” is another word for the feminine aspect of every soul. Every lifestream has a masculine and a feminine aspect. The feminine aspect of the soul is the meeting point between the soul and the world. The feminine aspect of the soul has the ability to tune in to the energies of the material universe, the energies of matter, or Mater.
It is the feminine aspect of the soul which enables the soul to be in the world. Yet consider how the soul can fulfill the commandment to be in the world, yet not of the world. The soul can fulfill this commandment only when it remains true to the masculine aspect of the soul and through that to the spiritual self. While the soul is still in the spiritual realm, this is not a difficult task. The soul is not bombarded with the energies of the material world and it has a clear vision of the spiritual self. Yet when the soul descends into the physical octave, the task becomes more difficult.
The soul is now bombarded by the energies of the material world, and it becomes more difficult to maintain a clear contact with the spiritual self. How can a soul be in the world and not of the world? It can do so only by maintaining the correct balance, the correct polarity, between the masculine and feminine aspects of the soul. For this balance to be maintained, the feminine aspect of the soul must remain true and obedient to the masculine aspect of the soul and through that to the spiritual self.
The saying that man is the master of the house does not refer to a family on Earth, but to the fact that the masculine aspect of the soul is the master of the “household” of the soul. For this to be maintained, the feminine aspect of the soul must be kept subservient to the masculine aspect. The difficulty in maintaining this task is that the feminine aspect of the soul finds it so easy to tune in to the energies of the world and even to take on the energies of the world. As long as the soul remains true to the spiritual self, this is not a detriment. It is a gift that enables the soul to fulfill its true role for coming into the material universe.
The danger is that the feminine aspect of the soul can become ensnared by the energies of the world, by the reasoning of the world and by the logic of the world. That logic, that serpentine logic, is the logic of separation from Spirit, separation from God. The feminine aspect cannot, in and of itself, see through this logic. The feminine aspect cannot, in and of itself, avoid being gradually enveloped in this subtle logic of the world. Therefore, to avoid being lost in the ways of the world, the soul must be alert and keep an uncompromising devotion to the spiritual self. This requires constant vigilance and constant attention.
If a soul is not willing to maintain this vigilance and attention, if a soul is not willing to make the effort to maintain its connection to the spiritual self, then it will gradually become enveloped in and ensnared by the serpentine logic of the world. If the soul begins to listen more to its feminine aspect than to the masculine aspect, the soul will gradually, often without noticing it, descend into a lower state of consciousness, a lower sense of identity, in which it begins to see itself and the world as being separated from the source, namely God.
So the path that seems right unto a woman, or rather to the feminine aspect of the soul, is the path of separation from God, the path of an individuality separated from God rather than an individuality that is an expression of God. The path of an individuality apart from God instead of an individuality as a part of God.
This then is the path that all human beings have followed, and that is why they have fallen from the grace of a conscious contact with the spiritual self.
The two deadly lies
What happens to a soul when it has accepted the serpentine logic that you can maintain your individuality even while you are separated from God? The soul will begin to walk the path of building a sense of identity, a sense of individuality, based on the core belief that it is separated from God. Over many lifetimes, such a soul can build a very strong and very complex sense of individuality and separateness. It can also build a set of beliefs that makes the soul firmly convinced that this sense of individuality is real and that the path of building upon this sense of individuality is the true path that leads back to God.
The first serpentine lie is that the soul will not die by eating the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of relative good and evil, namely the relative good and evil of the lower state of consciousness. Yet the soul does die in a spiritual sense because when it begins to engage in the dualistic logic, it loses its direct contact with the source of life, the spiritual self.
There are some souls who have fallen but who either have not realized that they have fallen from grace or are not willing to admit that they have lost their former estate. Yet most souls will come to an inner recognition that they have lost something. They realize that something has changed and that something is not right. At this point, the serpentine logic uses the second lie in an attempt to maintain its stranglehold on the soul. The second lie is that even though the soul has fallen from grace, it can come back to God’s kingdom without challenging the first lie. In other words, the soul does not have to admit that the first lie, the lie that it can build an individuality that is separate from God and still survive, is wrong. The second lie states that the soul can come back to God by continuing to build upon and perfect the individuality that is based on separation.
There are many people on Earth who are still so ensnared by the first lie that they either cannot or will not see and acknowledge that they have fallen from grace and therefore need to come back to God. Yet in this day and age, a growing number of people are beginning to realize that they must make an effort to come back to God. These people realize that they need to find a path, a systematic process, that can lead them back to God.
While people are still asleep, there is no danger that the forces of this world will lose their control over these souls. Yet when people awaken to the need to find their way back to God, there is a real danger, or rather a real hope, that the forces of this world might lose control of these souls. If these people discover the true path and diligently follow that path, they will truly make it back to God. Therefore, the second line of defense built by the forces of this world is the illusion of the false path, the way that seems right unto a human, but the end thereof is the way of death.
The false path, the left-handed path, seems right onto a human because it does not require the soul to confront the choices that caused the soul to believe in the first lie. The false path makes it seem like the soul was never really wrong. It was either the victim of forces beyond its control, or God really wanted the soul to fall, or there was a good reason why the soul fell, or any number of other reasons that make it seem natural and unavoidable that the soul fell into a lower state of consciousness.
The false way seems right unto a human, or rather to the human consciousness, because once the soul has built a false sense of identity, a sense of individuality based on separation from God, the soul knows no other sense of identity or individuality. The human self, the ego, springs from the sense of separation, so it can never see anything wrong with the state of separation. Therefore, as long as the soul listens to the ego or to false teachers, the soul does not understand that the only true individuality is that of being an individual expression of the flame of God.
So the false path makes the soul think that it can make its way back to God by building on its false individuality of being separated from God. This then gives the soul a need to find an outer path, and outer organization, an outer belief system which makes the promise of an automatic salvation. The promise is that as long as you believe in the right doctrines, follow the right outer rules and belong to a particular organization, you will automatically be saved because God simply has to accept you into the kingdom of Heaven.
The false path
Throughout history, numerous people have followed the false path. Even many so-called spiritual teachers or leaders have followed the false path and have promoted the false path. Such teachers often did not deliberately mislead the people. They truly believed in the lie that you can somehow perfect or elevate the false sense of identity, the pseudo self. They believed that you can attain salvation and make it back to the kingdom of God without overcoming, transcending and leaving behind the sense of separation from God.
This lie is very persuasive and pervasive. It is so persuasive that even many souls who have been engaged in spiritual practices for lifetimes still have not seen through this lie. They truly believe that they are following the true spiritual path, and they use all manner of outer signs or inner experiences to reinforce the illusion that they are following the true path and that they are coming ever closer to God. Some of these souls are making spiritual progress in various ways, but they still have not challenged the fundamental problem that makes it necessary to come back to God, namely the fact that they chose to see themselves as separated from God.
Although there is a spiritual path which takes you gradually towards a higher state of consciousness, there comes a point where the gradual path can lead you no further. There comes a point when you must take a leap of faith into the arms of God. You cannot make it back to God as long as you see even the slightest distance between yourself and God. What does it mean to be in God’s kingdom? It means being one with God, being an individualization of God, even being God in embodiment. It means accepting your true identity as a son or daughter of God, as an individualization of a God flame.
The mistake of Peter
When I walked the Earth 2,000 years ago, my main purpose was to demonstrate the true path that leads you back to union with God. The same path of union has been demonstrated and taught by all true spiritual teachers and mystics. Many souls have been students of such teachers, yet they have not understood the very core of the teaching. Such students can sit at the feet of a true Master for many years and still not understand the lie of the false path. They can look at the true teacher and recognize that he is a true teacher, yet in their hearts they cannot understand or accept that the only way to follow the teacher is to become the teacher.
A perfect example of such a student was my beloved Peter. Peter was a sincere student. He had attained a certain level of discernment and this allowed him to recognize me as the Christ in embodiment. When I said, “upon this rock will I build my church,” I did not mean the outer person of Peter. I meant the inner ability to recognize the Christ, to recognize the true teacher.
Yet despite the fact that Peter was a sincere student with some attainment and discernment, he was not willing to walk the true path of Christhood. This is why, when the test of Christhood came to him, he denied me three times. Peter thought that although he recognized me as the Christ and saw me walk the path that leads to the death of the ego, the false sense of identity, he did not have to walk that same path. Peter reasoned that he could maintain his individuality as being separate from God, as being separate from Christ. He reasoned that he could still make it back to God by following my outer teachings instead of following the inner path of overcoming the false sense of identity and winning back the true sense of identity as being one with God, as being an individualization of God and not an individualization of the world consciousness.
At the very moment when Peter denied me for the first time, he started a trend that set Christianity on the wrong course. The Christianity that Peter founded, the church that Peter founded, was from the very beginning based on the false path, the lie of individuality and separateness from God. The lie that you can make it back to God without walking the path of Christhood which requires you to be willing to lose your life, to lose your mortal life, to lose your mortal sense of identity in order to win the immortal life of the Christ consciousness.
For 2,000 years, the orthodox Christian churches have reinforced and upheld the illusion embodied by Peter. They have built elaborate doctrines and dogmas around this illusion. They have built a culture that reinforces this illusion so heavily that millions of souls are firmly entrapped by the illusion. They think they are true Christians, yet I tell you that they are following the path that seems right unto a human, yet the end thereof is the way of the death of the soul.
Be not like Peter.
Learn from the mistakes of Peter.
Make an effort to see through the illusion that entrapped Peter. When the world comes and asks you if you are one with Christ, do not deny your oneness with me. Do not fear any of the consequences or the punishments found in this world. Do not make excuses and seek to explain Christhood in a way that becomes palatable to the world consciousness.
Be willing to sacrifice your mortal sense of identity, your false sense of individuality, your sense of pride in the human ego and the human achievements, in order to obtain union with Christ.
Awaken and Come forth!
Peter reasoned that if he had confessed to be one of my disciples, he would have been crucified alongside me, and thus he would not have been able to remain in the world and spread my message. Yet when Peter walked on the water and started sinking, did I not reach out my hand and raise him up? So why would Peter think that if he had been crucified alongside me I would not have been able to resurrect him as I resurrected myself? And could not the resurrected Peter have walked the Earth again as I did and helped the other disciples spread my message.
I tell you that if Peter had decided to acknowledge his oneness with Christ instead of affirming his separation from Christ, Christianity itself would have been much different. It is not a given that Peter would have been crucified. But regardless of whether he was crucified alongside with me or had remained in embodiment, Peter would have become a true representative of the Christ. He would have become one with Christ, he would have become Christ, and therefore he could have built a church that was based on the true path instead of the false path. He could have built a church based on the true individuality in God rather than the false sense of individuality as being separate from God, separate from Christ.
I see millions upon millions of people who consider themselves to be true Christians or consider themselves to be true followers of the spiritual path. These people are found in all religions, and many are found in the New Age movement. I love each and every one of you and I desire nothing more than to see you come home to my Father’s kingdom. Yet I must tell you sternly and frankly that so many of you are walking the false path, the way that seems right unto a human.
Now I say to you with the full authority of Christ, “Awaken from your sleep!” I say to you as I said to Lazarus, “Come forth!” Come out of the grave of your false sense of identity and embrace the Light, the Light of my Christ Presence which is shining upon you through these words.
I am Jesus Christ.
I am the being who is assigned by God to hold the office as Lord and Savior for every human being on Earth. So many people think that by making a simple declaration of words they have accepted me as their Lord and Savior. This is not so.
I can be your Lord and Savior only if you fully accept me and accept the path to Christhood, the path to union with Christ, union with God. I can be your savior only if you are willing to let go of your false sense of individuality, the false sense of identity based on the illusion that you are separated from God. I can be your Lord and Savior only if you are willing to let the human ego die.
Do not follow the path taken by Peter and spend the rest of this lifetime using the serpentine logic to justify why you can perfect the ego. Instead, follow the path taken by Paul who said, “I die daily.” He meant that every day a part of his human self died.
Be willing to admit that your human self, your human sense of individuality, must die before you can discover your true individuality in Christ. Admit that the sense of individuality based on separation is a lie. Do not spend the rest of your life in an attempt to justify the sense of individuality and the belief that the false path of building upon that individuality can take you back to God.
This is what Peter did. This is what the soul of Peter has been doing for 2,000 years. This is what the Christian churches who followed the way taken by Peter have been doing for 2,000 years.
I am Jesus Christ and I say to you, “Thus far and no father!” The time has come to draw a line in the sand and say, “Come out of your illusions and delusions. Come out of your sense that all is well and that as long as you keep following the path you are following now, you will automatically make it back to God.”
Stop attempting to use the logic of this world to justify the false path. Let go of the false path and follow me.
I am Jesus Christ, and I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Copyright © 2009 by Kim Michaels