Ascended Master Mother Mary, June 27, 2008 through Kim Michaels.
The image I want you to hold is that you might be close to stepping up to a more direct form of service. But there may still be an imbalance somewhere in your being, that is deceiving you and thus making you susceptible to the lower spirits that whisper in your ear and thus prevent you – with their constant unceasing chatter – from hearing the still small voice of the Holy Spirit who never seeks to force but only seeks to awaken and inspire.
And thus, if you would take an honest assessment, study our teachings on the ego – study the new Course in Christhood that Jesus has so lovingly prepared for you – well, then you might realize that if you are willing to let go of a few illusions – perhaps just one grand illusion – then you can actually step up to that service, where you can be more of an open door and start fulfilling that part of your divine plan.
I ask you to recognize, my beloved, that until you are willing to give up the unbalanced desires, you will not be able to serve as an open door for the ascended masters. You will only become an instrument of the false teachers, who will whisper some grand scheme in your ear, rather than the true reality of oneness—the oneness of all life.
This is an excerpt from a longer teaching. You can read the full dictation HERE.
Copyright © 2008 Kim Michaels