Ascended Master Jesus, June 16, 2013 through Kim Michaels.
Yet you can interpret it also, through this mindset of separation, as an expression of the desire that many beings on earth have: to create a kingdom on earth that shall endure forever and ever on earth. If you look throughout history, you will see that there has always been a certain group of people who have had this desire to set themselves up as the leaders of a kingdom or other kind of state that will endure forever.
Was it not how the leaders of the Egyptian Empire of old felt? Was that not why they went through such trouble to build these elaborate monuments to the kings and embalm them so that they would supposedly endure forever in the afterlife, but also so that their kingdoms would continue to endure? Was it not the dream of many ancient civilizations that they would create the ultimate civilization that would endure forever and ever? Was it not the dream of the Roman Empire? Was it not the dream of both the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church to create a Christian empire that would take over the entire world and would endure forever and ever because it was supposedly built on the sponsorship of Christ? Was it not the dream of those who created the Soviet Union to create an empire that would take over the world and would endure forever and ever based on communist principles?
When you look at this long history and you look at these leaders who have always set themselves up as a privileged elite, who have suppressed the people and abused the people in order to create their empires, you can, of course, clearly see as the spiritual people that this is for the people in what we have called the fallen mindset or the mind of separation. You see that only people who are trapped in a mindset of separation could even conceive of a need to create a kingdom on earth that would endure forever and ever.
This is an excerpt from a longer teaching. You can read the full dictation HERE.
Copyright © 2013 Kim Michaels