Ascended Master Saint Germain (4), July 14, 2007 through Kim Michaels.
We have now reached the point, where I can ask you to consider the greatest threat to your freedom and to the freedom of humankind, the greatest hindrance to the bringing forth of the Golden Age of Aquarius. This, my beloved, is a factor that has always been the greatest obstacle for the spiritual growth of humankind, for the awakening of people. What is the factor I am talking about?
It is the very subtle, very insidious, programming to which you have all been subjected from the very moment you first took embodiment on this planet, and certainly for your entire lifetime. It is the programming that you are supposed to be normal, a normal human being. Yet what does it mean to be normal? Is it not an attempt by the dark forces and the power elite to put you in a box, where you are so focused on following the norms defined by your society, that you do not dare to challenge those norms—and therefore do not dare to challenge the status quo that keeps the elite in control? For as long as you fit into the mold of a normal human being, you will not dare to fulfill your divine plan, and certainly you will not dare to express your Christhood. For there has yet to be a society on this planet – at least in recent history – where being the Christ in action was considered normal by the powers that be.
Those who are my own – who have come into embodiment at this time to help bring the Golden Age of Aquarius into manifestation – well, certainly part of your divine plan is to speak out about conditions in society and to challenge the lies and the illusions. But the very deepest thing that you can help me with is by being willing to challenge the ultimate illusion, the illusion of normality. For if you will look at the life of Christ, you will see that he too was challenged to be normal, even by his own mother and his brothers and sisters who came to him while he was preaching, being disturbed by the fact that he had shattered their conception of what it meant to be normal.
It is so easy to look at those who do not follow the norm of your particular society and label them with some fancy medical term, be it bipolar, insane, schizophrenic, depressed, having boundary issues or this or that. But I can assure you, that there are people in mental hospitals in this nation who are actually more in touch with reality than the average person. Certainly, there are also people in mental hospitals who are out of touch with reality and do not know what is real and unreal. But what I want you to see here is the fact that the average human being on this planet – the “normal” human being – truly has no conception whatsoever of what is real and what is unreal—and has indeed been programmed to think that this material world and the conditions that you see right now are real and normal, and therefore should be preserved.
Dare to go beyond the norms of your society
This, of course, is the programming of the power elite, who want people to uphold the status quo that maintains their privilege and their power. For once they have set themselves up in those positions of privilege and power, their main concern is not to lose it. And that is precisely why they seek to stop progress, they seek to stop new inventions, new ideas, new philosophies, new concepts. And when they cannot stop the emergence of new ideas, such as new ideas in spirituality and religion, well they seek to prevent the population from embracing those ideas by using the weapon that you have to be normal—and this new idea is not normal. It is a cult, it is bad, it is dangerous.
The message I want to get across here is that if you are to fulfill your divine plans, if you are to manifest your Christhood and do what you came here to do – namely help Saint Germain bring in the Golden Age of Aquarius – well then you have to take a long, hard look in the mirror and say, “Where am I attached to being normal, to following the norms defined by my society, my family, or even by my own outer mind or my ego?” You must evaluate whether you are more concerned about being seen as being normal by society or whether you are concerned about fulfilling your divine plan. Certainly, I am not talking about manifesting something that is clearly insane, for being the Christ does not mean that you are insane in any sense of the word. But it does mean that you are willing to go beyond the norm, and even to do things that for “normal” people might appear to be a little bit “out there,” as the popular saying goes.
Yet I am not asking you to be “out there,” I am actually asking you to be “in here,” in your heart, where you know what is real for you and for your mission—so that you do not allow any outside force to cause you to abort that mission, especially not the force of normality. As I explained earlier today, you cannot put the Holy Spirit in a box. It is not easy to come up with a standard for how the Holy Spirit should express itself in this world. And now you see an even deeper understanding, for when the Holy Spirit flows, it seeks to set people free from their mental boxes, and thus it must challenge their standard for what is normal.
We have explained many times, that you are who you think you are, because you are projecting an image based on your current sense of identity into the cosmic mirror, and the Ma-ter Light takes on the physical manifestation that corresponds to your image. When a critical mass of people in a society, or on the entire planet, have come to believe in a certain standard for what is normal human behavior, well then it will be very difficult for them to go beyond that standard—unless they see someone who is willing to defy the standard of normality. Not in an insane, crazy way but by shattering the boundaries, the limitations, that are set up by the norm.
Challenging the concept of a “normal human being”
What does it really mean to be normal? Well, it means that you accept boundaries for who you are, what you can be and how you can express yourself as long as you want to be an accepted member of society. The job of the Living Christ in embodiment is to challenge people’s sense of what is normal, which is what you saw Jesus do with his miracles and his words. Look at how even in the scriptures it is portrayed how people wanted him to be normal, to follow their standard, to not go too far beyond, to not push the envelope, push the limits for what was considered possible for a human being.
So you see, again, the incredible depth in the statement of Christ, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” For you see that with men – with their human consciousness, with a standard for what is normal – well when you are in that state of consciousness, you must accept that there are boundaries and limitations for what can be achieved. And that is precisely what the power elite uses to maintain status quo by getting people to believe in the lie, that there are certain problems that cannot be solved, or even certain conditions – as I explained in my earlier discourses – that you have come to believe are natural, are normal, because nature simply is that way and there is nothing that can change it.
In reality, there is no norm, there is no standard. Why is this so, my beloved? Because the Creator has created billions of expressions of itself, each one of which is unique in God. If everyone is a unique individual with a unique God-given individuality and identity, well then how can there be a standard? How can there be a norm? How can there be norms in individuality? How can there be a standard in uniqueness?
This is an excerpt from a longer teaching. You can read the full dictation HERE.
Copyright © 2007 Kim Michaels