What if both Christianity and materialism were defined by the mind of anti-christ?

By Kim Michaels

What exactly did Jesus do, when he walked the earth? He forced people to make a choice: would they accept Christ or would they reject Christ—and thus continue to worship Satan, the devil, anti-christ, mammon or the prince of this world (call it what you will).

So distorted is the view that most people have been given of Jesus – and even more so of the universal aspect of Christ – that few have understood the choice he presented and represented. The reason being that they have been brought up without a clear definition of Christ and anti-christ. And if you do not understand the difference between Christ and anti-christ, how can you choose Christ, how can you choose life?

Then what is a clear definition of Christ and anti-christ? Anti-christ – the devil, Satan or the prince of this world – is, in its essence, a state of consciousness that is separated from the undivided and indivisible reality of the formless God.

This state of consciousness is a house divided against itself; it is divided by the inescapable polarity between two opposites, such as true and false, right and wrong, good and evil—or an almost infinite array of other polarities that it defines in order to camouflage and thus sustain itself.

Yet the reality that Jesus presented – a reality that was deliberately removed from Christianity – is that both of the two polarities defined by the mind of anti-christ are separated from the one reality of the infinite, formless, unconditional God. The devil is not the opposite of the infinite God, for since the formless God is beyond form, there can be no opposition to the true God. Thus, the devil can exist only as the opposite of a conditional god – a false god based on a graven image, an image that has form – which is as unreal as the devil and likewise “has no life in it.”

Both of the two polarities that rule the thought systems of this world – including Christianity – are out of touch with the reality of God. They were defined based on the consciousness of anti-christ, the consciousness that is separated from the indivisible oneness of God. The polarities that people call “good” and “evil” have no reality in the mind of God, for both are defined by the mind of anti-christ, the mind of separation, the mind that has no life in it. They can exist only in relation to each other; they are relative concepts that exist only in the world of relativity, not in the world of reality. Thus, one cannot exist without the other—despite the claim that one relative polarity will one day eradicate the other. If it were indeed possible for one relative polarity to eradicate the other, it would eradicate itself in the process.


Anti-christ is the consciousness that believes it is capable of and has the right to define right and wrong, true and false, God and the devil. In contrast, Christ does not bring a definition of truth—as many have come to believe based on certain church doctrines. It is the consciousness that urges you to look beyond your current image of truth—and to continue to do so until you experience the full meaning of Jesus’ statement: “God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in the Spirit of Truth.”

The Spirit is beyond any form, any worded expression of “truth.” For only that which has form can be expressed in words, and thus it has already been removed from the formless Spirit. That which has form can only be less than the Spirit of Truth, which means that when people take something that is less than truth and proclaim it to be the full truth, then conflict is the inevitable consequence.

It is precisely this conflict about which partial “truth” is the full truth, that is the primary weapon used by the forces of anti-christ to enslave humankind and keep them trapped in the ongoing dualistic struggle—which feeds the light, the life-blood, of humanity to the forces of anti-christ and keeps them alive.


Many Christians have been brought up to believe that they only need to strive to be “good Christians” and then their entry into the kingdom of God will be guaranteed by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Yet striving for – even attaining – relative goodness will not guarantee your entry into the kingdom that is – and must forever remain – beyond the reach of the relative mind. Being a good Christian is not the wedding garment, and thus no matter how “good” you may appear according to this relative definition, you will not enter into the wedding feast but will condemn yourself to remaining in the outer darkness, where there is “wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

The most subtle effect of the mind of anti-christ is that it creates an entirely closed thought system. Once the mind becomes clouded by the relative polarities, it will seem as if people do indeed have an infallible definition of what is good and what is evil. And thus, they will think that if they move towards what is defined as good and move away from evil, they will be moving towards the kingdom of God.

Once the mind has accepted this polarity between two relative opposites, the mind will no longer be able to see the reality of God—that is and will forever remain unaffected by anything defined by the mind of separation, the consciousness of death. Thus, the mind will be trapped in a closed circle, a spiritual catch-22, from which it has no way of escape by its own intellectual reasoning.

This is precisely the situation of the majority of Christians, who think their religious affiliation guarantees their salvation, and thus they have closed their minds to the reality of Christ. In fact, most Christians today are as closed-minded as most people were at the time of Jesus, meaning they are likely to reject the reality of Christ and cling to the unreality of anti-christ—which they firmly believe represents Christ.


What then is the only possible escape from the trap of being absolutely convinced that relativity is reality? It is that the mind that is trapped in the maze of anti-christ must encounter Christ—in a form that it can grasp, which is the significance of “God made flesh.”

When the trapped mind encounters Christ, it suddenly has something that it did not have before, namely a frame of reference, a direct experience of something outside the mental box created by its dualistic thought system. And therefore, by encountering Christ, the mind now has a real choice between the one reality of Christ and the dualistic “reality” of anti-christ.

If – mind the “if” – the mind chooses to accept Christ, it can use Christ as a lifeline to gradually pull itself above the waves of the stormy sea of man-made “truths.” Yet this is not an automatic or guaranteed form of “salvation,” as it requires the mind to gradually and continually make the choice between the many dualistic temptations presented by the prince of this world and the – often startling and provocative – Living WORD of Christ.

And only after going through a process that is a literal rebirth, will the mind be able to stand with Christ and say, “The prince of this world comes and has nothing in me.” At that moment, the mind has put on the wedding garment and can now enter the kingdom as the bride of Christ. For indeed, as anti-christ is a state of mind based on separation, Christ is also a state of mind, yet based on oneness.

Let it be made clear, then, that the purpose of this book is to give you a real choice between the one reality of Christ and the many unrealities constructed – subtly and cleverly – from the duality of the mind of anti-christ. This will be done by exposing the dualistic “truths” of anti-christ and then giving you the truth of Christ, leaving you with a number of pivotal choices to make.

It is not the aim of this book to get you to make a particular choice, as this book is given from a state of unconditional respect for your free will. Yet until you see the difference between the dualistic “truth” of anti-christ and the indivisible WORD of Christ, you do not actually have this choice.

If every thought system you have been brought up to know is created from the mind of anti-christ, how can you have real freedom of choice? Thus, the purpose of this book is to present you with a frame of reference and then leave the choice up to you. For those who are in oneness with Christ, will never seek to force you. In contrast, those who are separated from the oneness of Christ not only want to force you, but even have a compulsive need to force you—as your non-acceptance of their “truth” is a threat to their sense of being in control of their own minds.


Let it be made clear, also, that this book will not tell you something you do not already know. The reality is that although you have grown up in a world, where every thought system is dominated by the relativity of anti-christ, you have the indivisible truth of Christ anchored deep within your being. Why did you feel moved to pick up this book and keep reading until this point? Because your conscious mind has some connection to the Word that is anchored in the deepest recesses of your heart, the word that is written in your inward parts.

Therefore, you know there is something questionable in – or at least missing from – Christianity in the form you have known it thus far. Had it not been for this inner knowledge – that goes beyond the reasoning of the intellect – you would have rejected the book, as those who have ignored the inner connection will indeed do. Thus, it should be clear to you, that there is a difference between inner knowing – the intuitive, spherical knowing of the heart – and outer knowledge—based on the faculties of the analytical, linear mind.


There is an ancient saying that it is constructive to keep in mind: When the student is ready, the teacher appears. The fact that you are reading this means that you are ready—at the deeper level of the heart. Yet it is entirely possible that you need to go through a difficult period of choosing between the inner knowing of the heart and the outer knowledge of the mind.

It is entirely possible – in fact, highly likely – that your upbringing has programmed many relative concepts into your mind, thus predisposing you to instantly reject the truth of this book—perhaps even without referring a statement in the book to the faculties of the heart. If you are to truly give yourself the choice between Christ and anti-christ, it will be necessary for you to be aware of this tendency and to avoid the fear-based temptation to reject without asking your heart for guidance.

Only the heart can recognize the reality of Christ, whereas the mind will argue either for or against it—and in either case miss the point. How does the heart know? It knows because it feels the resonance between the outer Word of Christ and the inner word – the Logos – anchored in the heart. Only this resonance empowers you to recognize that you have encountered the Living Christ in a humble disguise. Only this resonance gives you the discernment to recognize the inner Word without being fooled into rejecting the outer form—because it does not conform to the outer images programmed into your mind by the mind of anti-christ.

Thus, listen for the still small voice within, and  learn to distinguish it from the two voices of relativity: the loud, boisterous voice that appeals to fear and the subtle, persuasive voice that appeals to pride. Both will claim they can take you to the kingdom, yet none of them can fulfill their promises.

In contrast, the voice of Christ will not claim that it can take you to the kingdom. It will give you the truth that – if internalized – can help you awaken from the unreality of separation—whereby you realize that you never actually left the kingdom. It was only in your own mind that you seemed to be separated from it, and thus it is in your own mind that the veil of separation – the veil that covers the Holy of Holies of your Being – must be rent. This will happen when the self that has been crucified on the cross of illusion dies, and thus the real self is resurrected into the reality of who it is and has been all along.

This book offers you life. It does so by exposing the fallacies of Christian doctrine and dogma and contrasting them with the reality of Christ. This will then lead to a number of LIFE choices, and only if you do choose the life of Christ reality over the death of duality, will you be able to read on. Thus, CHOOSE LIFE that you may come to truly know what Jesus meant when he said:

I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)

He was not simply talking about what human beings normally define as life. A deeper explanation will be forthcoming.

You now face the first LIFE choice: If Christianity truly has become so perverted that it is a disguised form of Satanism, would you want to know?

If your answer is a “No,” then you better stop reading, for it will be difficult to read this book and not know. Yet if there is some opening for the inconvenient truth in your being, then read on and listen to your heart. It will indeed burn within you and reveal that you have encountered the Living Christ between the lines.



Copyright © 2010 Kim Michaels