My Father’s house has many mansions

A message from the ascended master Jesus through Kim Michaels:

I desire to give you a basic teaching about the true meaning of my statement about the many mansions of my Father’s house. This statement has baffled many people, which I fully understand. The statement is a perfect example of how I was limited by the understanding and the vocabulary that people used 2,000 years ago. I had limited opportunities for explaining to them a very profound truth that all spiritual seekers need to understand. So let me now explain that truth by using the much greater understanding and vocabulary that is available today.

In today’s world, most people know about the existence of energy. Most people know that energy is a form of vibration. Most people have heard that, according to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, everything in the entire universe is made from energy. Unfortunately, most people have not truly absorbed the stupendous implications of this discovery. Therefore, they have not made the effort to change their world view according to the fact that everything is energy.

The simple truth is that the entire universe is made from one basic substance. In times past, this substance was called ether. The concept of an ether has been known in Buddhism and other philosophies for many centuries. In medieval Europe it was known by the alchemists, who in some cases were the first true experimental scientists. Even physicists used the concept of the ether until an unfortunate experiment failed to detect physical effects of the ether. These effects were not detected because the ether does not have physical properties. After that, most scientists abandoned the concept of an ether and this was a rather unfortunate detour for science. The effect of this detour is that scientist cannot fully understand energy. They know energy is vibration, but they fail to fully understand that there can be vibration only if there is something that can vibrate. There can be no wave unless you have an ocean. Therefore, there can be no energy waves, and thus no material universe, unless you have an ocean of something that can vibrate.

What truly vibrates is the basic substance that God used to crate the entire world of form. That substance is described in the Bible in the statement “And God said, let there be light.” Light can also be described as the feminine aspect of the Father-Mother God. Light is the Divine Mother, the body of the Divine Mother, which gives birth to any form projected upon her by the will of the Father through the mind of the Son. The form is manifest and sustained by the force of the Holy Spirit, as explained by beloved Mother Mary in her discourse.

As you know, visible light is light waves that vibrate within a certain spectrum of frequencies. Red light vibrates at lower frequencies than blue or violet light. As you also know, there are frequencies that are lower or higher than visible light. Those frequencies cannot be detected by the eyes, although they are as real as visible light.

For the purpose of this discourse, the important concept is that everything is vibration. Therefore, there are no impenetrable barriers in the world of form. Everything is made from the same basic substance, which simply vibrates at different levels or frequencies. Everything is made from energy waves, and the only difference between Heaven and Earth is a difference in the vibration of the energy waves.

The true meaning of the statement that my Father’s house has many mansions is that my Father’s house is a continuum of vibrations, an energy continuum. Within this continuum are divisions of frequencies, and within in each division there is room for a number of different frequencies. Each of these divisions is a mansion in the House of God. One such division is what human beings call the material universe. Outside of that realm is what human beings call the spiritual realm, or Heaven. Yet even in the spiritual realm there are a number of divisions.

Your four lower bodies

What concerns me in this discourse is to help you understand that within the material universe there are several divisions. To be exact, there are four divisions, or realms, within the material universe. The realm with which all people are familiar is the universe made of matter. This is the world that you can detect with your physical senses. It is made of vibrations that vibrate within a frequency spectrum that makes them detectable by your physical senses. The reason your physical senses can detect these vibrations is that your physical bodies are made from energies that vibrate within the same frequency spectrum. In other words, that which is made of matter can detect the vibrations of matter and only the vibrations of matter. This explains why scientists failed to detect the ether by using instruments made of matter.

Above the matter realm are three divisions that still belong within the greater spectrum of the material universe. When you move from the matter realm into the next division, you enter a realm which we might call the realm of feeling. Above that is the realm of thought and above that the realm of identity. In many older religions and philosophies, such as Buddhism, the Greeks or the esoteric teachings used by the alchemists, these four realms were described as the four corners of the Earth. They were labeled Earth, Water, Air and Fire. This concept corresponds to the ancient idea of the squaring of the circle. The circle represents Heaven, and it is infinite and undivided in terms of time and space. It corresponds to the ether. The square represents Earth, or rather the material universe. The material universe is the realm of space and time. It is created by taking the infinite realm of the circle and dividing it into four directions, four dimensions, that manifest as the coordinates of time and space.

To make this a little easier to visualize, I would like to relate it to the human mind. I explain throughout this website that everything is sustained only by a stream of God’s energy that flows from the spiritual realm into the material universe. On a personal level, the energy flows from your spiritual self through the layers of the subconscious mind until it reaches the conscious mind. The energy flows from the realm of spirit, or ether, and it first enters the realm of fire. Some esoteric teachings call this the etheric octave or the memory body. I would like to call it the realm of identity. This is the part of your mind that stores the memories of your experiences in the material world. It also stores the sense of identity that you have built up through your soul’s journey, over many lifetimes, in this world. When the basic life energy first enters your mind, or being, it flows through your sense of identity. It is therefore colored by your sense of identity. Your sense of identity also includes how you see the world, God, your relationship to the world and your relationship to God. It is therefore the foundation for how you respond to life in this realm.

After the energy flows through your identity body, it enters the realm of air. This is what some teachings call the mental body. I would like to call it the realm of thought. In this realm the energy is colored by your thoughts about yourself and the world. Your thoughts are very much determined by your sense of identity, but because they reside at a lower level of your being, they are more fluid and can be changed more easily than the deeper images that make up your sense of identity. In other words, your thoughts can be adapted to or influenced by specific situations you encounter in this world. One might say that your sense of identity determines how you see the big picture, whereas your thoughts relate to how you understand details of that picture. Your sense of identity determines how you see the world, and your thoughts determine how you think the world works.

After the energy flows through the thought body, it enters the realm of feeling. This is the emotional body, the feeling realm, and it contains your feelings about yourself and the world. Emotions are simply energy in motion, and they are the forerunners for physical action. So your emotions determine how you act upon thoughts. One might say that a thought itself cannot lead to action. A thought is simply an idea, and in order to be translated into a physical action, the thought must have the two qualities that are added by an emotion. These two qualities are direction and intensity. Your emotions will direct your thoughts into a specific action, and the intensity of your emotions will determine the power of the action.

The final step is that the energy enters the physical brain and nervous system. It is at this level that your emotions are translated into actions, and the actions will be determined by the direction and the intensity of the emotions behind them. Of course, the direction and intensity of the emotion is determined by the thought, and the thought is determined by your sense of identity and your world view.

You now see that the natural flow of energy through your being is that energy streams from your spiritual self through your identity body, where it is colored by your world view. The energy then flows into your thought body and is colored by your thoughts. The energy now flows into the feeling body and takes on the direction and intensity determined by your emotions. Finally, the energy is translated into a physical action carried out by your brain, your nervous system and your physical body.

One can compare the entire process to a film projector. The light that streams from the spiritual self is the white light produced by the light bulb in the projector. Your identity body, your thought body and your feeling body act like three film strips. The light will be colored by the images upon the three film strips. After passing through the film strips, the light is then projected onto the screen as an image. The screen is that part of your mind which resides in the matter universe. This is your conscious mind and certain parts of your subconscious mind. It is anchored in your brain and nervous system.

The four levels of the material universe

After you understand how energy flows through your own mind, you need to transfer this understanding to the material universe as a whole. The material universe has four different octaves or levels, four different bodies. They correspond to the four levels of your mind because truly the universe is simply one mansion in the house, meaning the mind, of God. As is the case with your mind, the material universe is created from the basic energy of God which flows through the identity, thought and feeling realms until it manifests in the matter realm.

When you understand this basic flow of energy through the four levels of the material universe, you can begin to understand that the lowest level, the level of matter itself, is the result of hidden causes that take place at the three higher levels of the feeling, the thought and the identity bodies. One might say that the matter universe is simply a projection of the images found in the three higher levels. Truly, the matter universe is no more real than the images projected on the screen of a movie theater.

When you contemplate this concept, you realize that changing the matter universe can – and indeed must – be done by changing the three higher levels of the material world. On a personal level, if you want to change your outer circumstances, you must begin by changing your feelings, your thoughts and your sense of identity. Only when you change the images found in the three higher bodies, will you change the images that appear in the matter world. Likewise, on a planetary scale, the key to removing human suffering is to purify the feeling, the thought and the identity body of the planet as a whole. The reason being that the physical planet is a projection of images held in these higher realms.

Planet earth was created by seven spiritual beings, called the Elohim. The Elohim are constantly maintaining the image of a perfect Earth, and that image still exists. However, the perfect image has been covered over temporarily by an imperfect image projected through the identity body, the thought body and the feeling body of humankind. This is what psychologists have called the collective unconscious.

The true cause of suffering

My next point is to show you why planet Earth currently has so many imperfect manifestations and so much human suffering. The reason is that the three higher bodies of humankind have been polluted by an imperfect sense of identity, by imperfect thoughts and impure emotions.

As my beloved mother explains in the following discourse, everything in the realm of Heaven is designed according to the laws of God. Therefore, if a spiritual being rebels against the laws of God, that being cannot remain in Heaven. She also explains that in the matter universe there is some room to go against the laws of God. The reason being that the matter universe was designed as a schoolroom for souls who are working their way up to becoming all that God is. God has given such souls free will, and he has given them a framework in which to experiment with his energy.

Therefore, it is allowed by the laws of the material universe that the beings in this world can go against the laws of God without having to leave this realm. In other words, they can use their free will to focus their attention on images that are out of alignment with the principles that God used to design the world of form. Human beings can create a sense of identity as being separated from God, as being material beings instead of spiritual beings. Human beings can create mental images that are out of alignment with the truth and the reality of God. They can engage in feelings that are perversions of the true feelings of God. And when they do engage in such imperfections, they can alter the matter universe itself and create a world with imperfect manifestations.

However, when God gave beings free will, he also set up a framework that acts as a safety valve, so that one being cannot destroy the material universe. In other words, human beings are free to do whatever they want with God’s pure energy. Yet they will inevitably experience the conditions that they produce with God’s energy. If they engage in imperfect thoughts and feelings, they will produce imperfect conditions in the matter world, and their creative abilities will be limited by their own creation. If you make your bed, you have to lie in it.

One might say that God has designed the matter universe as a mirror. It is like a movie screen, and it reflects whatever is projected upon it through the minds of human beings. Therefore, whatever image you hold in the higher parts of your mind, determines the conditions you experience in the matter world. If you hold an imperfect image, you will create an imperfect manifestation that can eventually self-destruct. You will build a Tower of Babel that will eventually collapse under its own weight.

Human beings first lived in a higher state of consciousness than what you currently experience on this planet. In that state of consciousness, souls had conscious contact with their Spiritual selves and with spiritual beings who served as their teachers. Human beings were using their free will to experiment with God’s energy. As they did so, they would often make mistakes and create imperfect manifestations. Yet because they knew the basic law of creation, they were able to determine that they made a mistake, admit the mistake and instantly replace the undesirable result with a better result.

What happened after the Fall of Man was that people lost contact with their Spiritual selves and with their spiritual teachers. Therefore, they were no longer aware of how the law of creation works. They lost the understanding that whatever you have created in the matter realm is simply a projection of the images that you hold in the feeling, thought and identity bodies. Therefore, they lost the understanding that they can change the conditions of the matter universe by changing the contents of their higher bodies.

People now began to believe that the conditions in the matter world are permanent and beyond their conscious control. They began to see themselves as victims of a situation they had not created. They began to see themselves as slaves of forces beyond their control. And in a sense people were correct. When you refuse to change your feelings, your thoughts and your sense of identity, you cannot change the material world, and so you become a victim of the conditions found in this world. The catch being that human beings have created those conditions and therefore thy must uncreate them.

It was precisely this loss of memory, this refusal to take responsibility for their own situation, that allowed beings from the spiritual realm, beings who had rebelled against God’s law, to embody on planet Earth. This is also described by Mother Mary in her discourse.

You see, there is a fundamental difference between experimenting with your free will (making mistakes in the process) and willfully rebelling against God’s law and God’s creative intent. As Mother Mary describes, some beings in the spiritual realm deliberately and willfully rebelled against the laws of God and the creative intent. These beings then descended into a lower state of consciousness, and some of them ended up embodying on planet Earth.

These beings have manipulated many people into believing their lie that ultimate freedom can be attained only by going against God’s laws. They have used a number of subtle lies to manipulate people into violating God’s laws and at the same time believing that the negative consequences produced by those violations are inevitable or even created by God himself.

After humankind fell into a lower state of consciousness, a process began that eventually led to a pollution of the four lower bodies of all human beings on Earth and the collective consciousness of humankind. This has led to the current imperfect conditions in the form of human suffering, natural disasters and many other calamities.

Yet what you see in the matter world is simply a reflection of what is going on in the higher bodies. All of the three higher bodies have been polluted and contain imperfect images. However, the one body that has been completely taken over by dark forces is the emotional body. This body is crucial for those beings who want to control the matter world. The reason being that it is the emotional body which translates thoughts into material actions.

The nature of emotions is to take on whatever images are projected upon them from the mental body. Emotions are energy in motion, and the energy does not have any sense of right or wrong. It will flow into whatever action it is given without considering the consequences. Therefore, if the dark forces can take over a person’s emotional body, they can manipulate that person into doing virtually anything without considering the consequences of its actions and without considering right and wrong. This has given rise to the “If it feels good, do it” syndrome. This syndrome is based on the subtle lie that if something feels good, it couldn’t be really wrong.

So you now see that there are forces who are constantly working to manipulate people through their emotional bodies. One of the ways in which this is accomplished is to agitate people’s emotional bodies and gradually build a crescendo of such intensity that people can no longer hold back the emotional energy. The emotions then spill over into action, and this is when you see that individuals, groups of people or even entire nations feel compelled to take an action which they normally would never have taken. This then is the main cause of war. In the time that leads up to war, you will see that the emotional body of an entire nation becomes agitated to the point where the nation feels that something has to be done, and that something is to go to war against the enemy that is perceived as causing the agitation.

Intelligent life on all four levels

Another important purpose for this discourse is to explain that there are self-conscious, intelligent beings on all four levels of the material universe, the realms of matter, feeling, thought and identity. Human beings are the intelligent beings living in the matter realm. There are also intelligent beings living at the other three realms. Some of these beings have never been in a physical body. Others have been in a physical body but are now residing in one of the other realms of the material universe.

The natural course for souls is that they descend into a physical body in order to experience the material realm and help God co-create this level of the world of form. After the soul fulfills its purpose for being in the matter world, it then ascends to the spiritual realm. In other words, it is not natural for a soul to reside in or get stuck in the matter, feeling, thought or the identity realm. However, if a soul becomes unbalanced and perverts one or more of its four lower bodies, it can become stuck in one of the material realms. This can prevent the soul from ascending to the spiritual realm.

The four lower bodies of the soul correspond to the four forces of Father, Son, Mother and Holy Spirit, as described by Mother Mary. The Father corresponds to the identity body, the Son corresponds to the thought body, the Mother corresponds to the feeling body and the Holy Spirit corresponds to the physical body. If a soul has an imbalance in all four of its lower bodies, it will become stuck in the matter realm, and it will keep re embodying in a series of physical bodies. If a soul has balanced the physical body but not the other three, it can become stuck in the feeling realm. If the soul has balanced the physical and the emotional bodies, it can become stuck in the thought realm, and if it has balanced the lower three bodies, it can become stuck in the identity realm.

To fully understand why I am giving this discourse, you need to realize that the four different realms of the material universe are separated only by vibration. So you need to avoid being trapped in a linear view of this teaching. For example, the matter realm has the lowest vibration, and the other realms have higher vibrations. Therefore, it is tempting to build the image that the other realms exist above and beyond the matter universe. This is not a correct image.

In the room in which you are sitting right now, there are a great number of radio waves that are penetrating the same space. These radio waves exist in the same space as your physical body, the walls, the furniture and the air. In other words, different frequencies can coexist in the same space. My point here is that the matter realm exists in the same space as the feeling realm, the thought realm and the identity realm.

The importance of this realization is that there are no impenetrable barriers between the four realms. In fact, it is possible that the realms can overlap. For example, it is quite possible that, in a local area of the matter realm, the vibrations can be changed so that they resonate with the vibrations in one of the other realms.

The human mind has the ability to act as a radio receiver. As I said, there are many different radio waves penetrating the room in which you are now sitting. If you turn on a radio, you can tune in to any of these different waves by simply turning the dial on the radio. The radio turns the different energy waves into audible sound that you experience as different radio stations. Your conscious mind has the ability to act as a radio receiver, and it can tune in to any level of the material universe. It can also tune in to the levels of the spiritual realm. In other words, the mind of a human being has the ability to reach beyond the matter realm and tune in to intelligent beings in the feeling realm, the thought realm, the identity realm or even the spiritual realm.

One consequence of this teaching is that if you attempt to communicate with intelligent beings in one of the other realms, you need to be aware that not all such beings are benevolent. Some of them are likely to have willfully rebelled against the laws of God, and they will attempt to manipulate you into doing the same thing. The reasons they do this are explained in Mother Mary’s discourse.

It used to be that there were benevolent beings in all of the four realms. Yet the feeling realm has been so heavily polluted and manipulated that there are no longer any benevolent beings in that realm. The beings now in the feeling realm are all unbalanced, and they believe the ends can justify the means and that “if it feels good, do it.” There are people on Earth who embody this consciousness because their unbalanced emotional bodies are tuned to the feeling realm. Such people have become the slaves of manipulative beings in the feeling realm.

The thought realm has also been heavily polluted, but there are still beings in that realm who are not malicious. Yet many of them are trapped in a state of mind that causes them to think they can intellectually understand everything. Some even think they understand the world better than God, and therefore they know better than God how the universe should be run. This is intellectual pride, and you see many people on Earth who embody this pride. The reason being that their mental bodies are tuned to prideful beings in the thought realm.

The realm of identity is the most pure realm, although it has been polluted by a false sense of identity. There are indeed some beings in this realm who identify themselves as being separated from God, and they project that image to human beings. Yet there are also beings in the etheric realm who maintain a correct sense of identity as spiritual beings.

We of the Ascended Host serve as the spiritual teachers of humankind. We are willing to communicate with any human being in order to assist people on their spiritual path. When the Earth was still pure, we could appear to people in the matter world, and people could literally walk and talk with us. This is not because we took on a physical body, but because people’s consciousness was so pure that they could perceive us in our spiritual “bodies.” They could see our spiritual bodies with their physical senses. Today, the imbalances created by human beings have lowered the vibration of the entire material universe, and therefore it has become much more difficult for people to perceive us. They can no longer see us with their physical senses, except on special occasions where we take on a physical appearance.

To communicate with the Ascended Host in today’s world, you must raise your consciousness to a higher level, and that means you must balance your four lower bodies. You can attain this balance only by reaching for the middle way of the Christ consciousness. If you do not reach for the balance of the Christ mind, you will not make contact with the Ascended Host. However, you might still make contact with beings who reside in one of the lower levels. It should be remembered that such beings are stuck at that level because they have become unbalanced in one or more of the lower bodies. Therefore, if you want to get reliable communication from a higher realm, you need to reach for the Christ consciousness, and that means you must balance all of your four lower bodies.

Heaven or Hell on Earth

Another purpose for giving you this discourse is to show you that the four levels of the material universe coexist in the same space. The only difference is a difference in vibration. Because the human mind has the ability to manipulate God’s light, it can lower or raise the vibration of that light. My point is that human beings have the ability to change the vibrations of the matter world so they resonate with the vibrations in one of the other realms.

For example, there are many areas on this planet, especially in large cities, where a large number of people have developed such imbalances in their emotional bodies that the entire area vibrates at the level of the feeling realm. The feeling realm currently has the lowest vibrations of any of the realms. Some areas of the feeling realm are literally what people have seen as Hell. Therefore, there are areas on this planet that vibrate at the level of the feeling realm. These areas are literally Hell on Earth.

Likewise, there are areas that resonate with the thought realm. An example are institutions of learning in which people have glorified the human intellect, yet have denied the higher reasoning of the Christ mind. Finally there are areas, such as areas devoted to spiritual activities, that are attuned to the etheric realm or even the spiritual realm. Such areas are Heaven on Earth.

So you see, once again, that human beings have the ability to create their own reality. You create that reality through the power of the mind, yet to understand how, you need to recognize that your mind has several levels. Your lower mind is very much like a radio receiver that simply amplifies radio frequencies and makes them detectable to the senses. What you create through the lower mind is determined by what streams into that mind from the higher levels of the mind.

The questions now is to which station the radio of your mind is tuned? Is it tuned to your Christ self, or is it tuned to beings in the lower realms? You must choose this day whom you will serve. You must choose in which mansion in my Father’s house you want to live, and you decide that by focusing your attention on a certain level. If you have an imbalance in your lower bodies, you will focus on the material, the feeling or the thought realm. If your identity body is unbalanced, you will focus on the identity realm without reaching higher. Yet if all of your four lower bodies are balanced, you can reach beyond the identity realm and commune with the Ascended Host. You can then become the open door for bringing the vibrations and the truth of Heaven to Earth. You can become the open door for the Living Word to stream into this world.


Copyright © 2009 by Kim Michaels